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I.  Purpose

This Expungement of Academic Misconduct Record Procedure (“Expungement Procedure”) is established to implement the Anne Arundel Community College (“College”) Board of Trustee’s Academic Integrity Policy (“Policy”).

II.  Scope and Applicability

A. This Expungement Procedure applies to Respondents who received a Disciplinary Sanction, up to and including Suspension, for Academic Misconduct pursuant to the Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure.

B. This Expungement Procedure does not apply to a Respondent who received an Educational Sanction, Expulsion, Invalidation of Credit, or Revocation of a Credential for Academic Misconduct pursuant to the Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure.

C. This Expungement Procedure does not apply to disciplinary records for non-academic misconduct.

III.  Definitions

A. All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policy or the Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure.

B. All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings: 

1. Expunge or Expungement is to remove Academic Misconduct from a Respondent’s disciplinary record, including the Sanctions imposed. 

2. Expungement Request Form is the application to seek Expungement of Academic Misconduct for a Respondent’s disciplinary record.

3. Review Panel is the member of AIRC appointed to consider an Expungement Request Form.

IV.  Expungement

A. A Respondent found responsible for Academic Misconduct may seek to expunge the Respondent’s disciplinary record.

B. Expungements are discretionary, and the College will not grant an expungement automatically.

C. Expungement is only available for Disciplinary Sanctions up to and including Suspension and is not available for Expulsion, Invalidation of Credit, or Revocation of a Credential.

D. A Respondent may not request expungement until two (2) years have passed since the date the Disciplinary Sanction(s) was completed.

E. Seeking expungement is not an opportunity to contest the Decision, Sanctions, or Appeal Decision.

F. Requesting Expungement

1. To request an expungement, the Respondent must submit an Expungement Request Form to the VPL, including a statement of why the College should expunge the Respondent’s record. 

2. The Respondent must attach an official transcript from all institutions of higher education that the Respondent has attended or is attending to consider whether the Respondent received disciplinary action for previous or additional findings of academic misconduct at other institutions.

3. The Respondent may submit up to two (2) letters of support from individuals who know the Respondent in a current or recent academic or professional capacity.

G. Consideration of the Request

1. Within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the Expungement Request Form, the VPL or designee will review the Expungement Request Form and appoint a Review Panel, including two (2) faculty members and one (1) student who are members of AIRC.

2. Members of the Review Panel may not have been involved in the original Decision.

3. The Review Panel will schedule an interview of the Respondent by telephone or electronic means. 

4. If the Respondent fails to attend the scheduled interview, the Expungement Request Form will be denied, unless good cause is shown.

5. The Review Panel may consider the following factors:

a. The nature of the Academic Misconduct;

b. The number of violations for Academic Misconduct at the College and other institutions of higher education;

c. Whether the Respondent completed all Sanctions issued by the Deadline imposed;

d. The Respondent's acceptance of responsibility for the underlying allegations;

e. The Respondent’s behavior after being found responsible for Academic Misconduct;

f. The Respondent’s reasons for requesting the Expungement;

g. The Respondent's explanation of how the Respondent changed behaviors to avoid academic misconduct and integrated the principles of integrity into the Respondent's education, job, and/or volunteer experience after receiving the Sanctions; and

h. Any other factors believed to be reasonable and appropriate.

6. The Review Panel will determine whether to grant or deny Expungement and will provide a written response on the Expungement Decision Form to the Respondent within ten (10) Business Days of the date of the interview, including the reasons the Expungement Request Form was granted or denied.

7. The Review Panel will provide a copy of the Expungement Decision Form to the Administrative Assistant or designee for record keeping purposes.

8. The Review Panel’s decision regarding Expungement is final and cannot be appealed or grieved.

9. If an Expungement is granted, the disciplinary record will be maintained but will not be provided to a third party if the Respondent’s records are requested, in accordance with FERPA.

10. If a Respondent is found responsible for another Academic Misconduct violation after a record is expunged, then the expunged record may be considered in sanctioning and may be provided to a third party if the Respondent’s records are requested, in accordance with FERPA.

Procedure Title: Expungement of Academic Misconduct Record Procedure

Policy Category: Academic Affairs

Policy Owner: Provost/Vice President of Learning

Policy Administrator: Associate Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs

Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith;; 410-777-2776

Approval Date: May 24, 2023

Effective Date: Aug. 26, 2023

History: N/A

Applies to: All College students and former students

Related Policies: Academic Integrity Policy

Related Procedures:


Relevant Laws: N/A